Traducción y aprendizaje del inglés by Britannica
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1 Resultado de traducción para to extenuate en español


extenuate verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
extenuated, has extenuated, is extenuating, extenuates
atenuar, aminorar, mitigar

Ejemplos de uso de
extenuate verb

  • don't even try to extenuate their vandalism of the cemetery with the old refrain of “Boys will be boys”
  • don't even try to extenuate their vandalism of the cemetery with the old refrain of "Boys will be boys"
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live wire
persona vivaz y muy activa
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Traducción inversa para to extenuate

atenuar  - to extenuate, to mitigate, to dim (light), to tone down (colors), to minimize, to lessen 
aminorar  - to diminish, to reduce, to lessen 
mitigar  - to mitigate, to alleviate